Police in the Pay of Mining Companies. GRUFIDES, CNDDHH, DHSF, APA, 2013

The responsibility of Switzerland and Peru for human rights violations in mining disputes For this report, Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the three Peruvian non-governmental organisations Grufides, Derechos Humanos sin Fronteras and Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos have examined in detail agreement concluded with the Peruvian National Police Forces by the following seven mining […]

Demanda de Amparo al Proyecto Minero Conga, Marco Arana

PROCESO CONSTITUCIONAL:DEMANDA DE AMPARO PROYECTO MINERO MINAS “CONGA” “Amenaza cierta e inminente al derecho constitucional a vivir en un medio ambiente sano, equilibrado y adecuado” DEMANDANTE: MARCO ANTONIO ARANA ZEGARRADEMANDADOS: ESTADO – MINISTERIO DE ENERGÍA Y MINAS, MINERA YANACOCHA S.R.L. Cajamarca- Perú, 2012